December 29, 2014

Happy 2015!

Hello family!

 I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed their Christmas! :) This Christmas was really special.. one I will never forget! We had our Christmas devotional on Christmas Eve. That was great!
We went Caroling on Christmas Eve with The Zurcher's. They are from Mexico, so we sang all our hymns in espanol.. we caroled to the Gomez family and sister Gomez was in tears! It was priceless.. she was very touched. We also visited with several active and less-active families. We are definitely taken care of.. Everyone was so generous!

One of our zone goals this transfer is to spend as much time with members, as we do finding.. we have already seen miracles come from it! Members are KEY :)
We had a lesson with Dave this week in a member's home. He really seems to like what he has been learning! We invited him to pray about baptism for the end of January.. He said he would pray about it. He's very genuine and sincere, but we still have quite a bit to teach him..  Something that we really want to focus on in our next lesson with him is priesthood authority and WHY authority is necessary for baptism.

Eduardo came to all three hours of church yesterday! We had our bishop check if he was a member.. because he knows so much and he gets a little confused.. haha he checked and he's not, so we're good to go!

Another miracle was Heather. She is a potential in our area, who I've never met. Sister Brown talked about her and said she was very interested, but we never caught her at home. Well, her daughter, Madeline, is friend's with a member and they both came to church yesterday!! She stayed for all 3 hours and said she would be there next week. We explained that we have discussions and we set up an appointment this week for Friday. We really look forward to hear more about her experience at church and to teach them this week.
We have a great service opportunity in our area- we helped out at the Camarillo health care center with the elderly people. We did room visits and helped out with their Christmas party! It was great and they just loved it., they were hilarious. I love old people :)

I can't believe we are approaching a new year.. insane! As I have reflected on this past year and all of my experiences as a missionary.. my life has changed completely.
If I have learned anything, it is that Heavenly father KNOWS his children and that the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ is real. There is joy in obedience and keeping the commandments.. I had a testimony before, but now I am experiencing what it means to be converted unto the Lord.. I love that it never ends. Conversion is eternal! We can always strengthen our testimonies and progress and the Lord will help us.
thank you for all the mail, prayers and love!!
I love you all!
Sister James
Christmas 2014

Making Bunuelos!


Merry Christmas!

It's been quite the week!! Transfer meeting was so powerful.. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to go to this one. There were many testimonies shared and we received amazing counsel from President and Sister Felix. My new companion is so great!

Sister Angimarau (a lot of people call her sister A) is from Christmas Island in the pacific islands and her language is I-Kiribati.. so she has learned English on her mission! We've already had a lot of fun... she's been teaching me her language and I taught her “Rudolph the red nose reindeer” and shared her first experience eating Wendy's haha. She has an amazing singing voice, so we've been singing to every one we meet and caroling with the members as well! She is so humble and sweet and I have already learned so much from her love for people and our savior already. I really look forward to this transfer with her!

 We did a lot of finding this week and focused on sharing "The Gift." People seem to be more receptive at this time of year, which has been nice! We're focusing on finding new investigators. Unfortunately, Charlie dropped us this week :( He called us and dropped us over the phone.. he said he did some "Research" and that the church is not for him. We went over and tried to help him have the desire to continue to meet.. and address his concerns .He said he doesn't have the desire to change and that it's just not for him.. he tried to give his Book of Mormon back, but we refused ha! We had a good discussion, and as disappointed as we were.. I know that trusting in the Lord's will and his timing is the best thing we can do at this point. He always provides a way if we are faithful and place our trust in him!

 On a brighter note, Dave came to church this week! And Eduardo wants to be baptized! He will be going to the Philippines and so he wants to do it when he returns in a month! He's 86.. it is never too late to follow the example of Christ :) We visited with him this week and he knows the Book of Mormon stories better than some member's. He's been reading it every day since he received it in 2001.. So crazy! There are no coincidences. I know the Lord placed him in our path for a reason.

 We did a lot of caroling this week, which was fun!  We also helped out with the mudslides in Camarillo springs. Several homes were just destroyed... I will have to send pictures next week, when I have more time. We were happy to have the opportunity to help out!

 I'm so grateful to be serving the Lord at this time! What better time to testify of our savior, than this Christmas season. Something that was really emphasized to me this past week was that we can't do it on our own, but in his strength, we can do ALL Things. The atonement combined with our faith can carry us and shape us into what our Heavenly Father would have us be. Our Savior knew his purpose and he did the will of his father because he loves us perfectly. I'm grateful for the experiences that help me draw closer to him! He lives!

I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas :)

HE is Christmas.
Love you!!
Sister James
My new companion sister Angimarau
Our Christmas tree



Camarillo for Christmas!

Hey Family!
So, as you can tell from the subject line.. I'm staying in Camarillo!! :) unfortunately, they're splitting up the JAMES BROWN :( Sister Brown is getting transferred to Thousand Oaks.. just over the hill! She will do great things there! I don't know my new companion, but she just finished training. I look forward to serving with here and the things I will learn from her!
22 missionaries are going home this transfer and only 7 are coming in. They're making a lot of changes in the mission!
It sounds like every one is enjoying their Christmas season! I can't believe my best friend returns from his mission this week?! Crazy! And that Katie will find out the gender.. My final guess is a GIRL :) What an exciting week!
We've had such a busy week! We've been busy with a lot of less-active work and appointments. We have had such an incredible transfer.. I've learned so much these past couple transfers.. I've been thinking a lot about the importance of taking every situation as a learning experience and an opportunity to grow. We've seen so many miracles these past three months.. the work is really progressing here and that is a testimony to me that the Lord is in the details of this work. He knows his children and he knows his missionaries and is continually pouring out his blessings. I'm so grateful!
So, cool miracle!
I mentioned in my email a few weeks ago about a miracle that came from our service. We were helping a family in our ward move and their friend (who is a non-member) was there and asked for the missionaries to be sent to her home in San Diego. Well, we found out yesterday that the missionaries got in contact with her and she is now taking the lessons! She has never had any type of religion in her life and has always wanted the joy that she saw members of the church have.
The members of our ward were also very excited.. they aren't very active and they've been coming the last few weeks. Their experience with their friend is strengthening them and motivating them to be good examples. Member missionary work is the best. By small and simple things are great things brought to pass!

We taught Charlie the restoration this week and he came to all three hours of church yesterday! He is progressing really well. He's already read past 2nd Nephi.. he said, "I'm usually not a fast reader.. but I can't put this book down." You can just see the spirit working in him.. it's been so great. He has a lot of sincere questions, but his hang-up is that he won't pray about the Book of Mormon. We are going to be meeting with him this week and hope that we can figure out exactly why.

Eduardo also came to church again! We're not sure how much he comprehends and understands, but he has great faith and we love having him at church!
 The gomez family wasn't able to make it. We met with them and had a lesson focused on keeping Christ the center of our Christmas.. we showed them the "He is the gift" video and they really felt the spirit. Jessica and Suzette (the daughter's who are 13 and 11) Bore such powerful testimony.. they are so strong and they know the church is true. We asked Brother Gomez about how they would feel about being baptized and how sister Gomez would feel about it. He hasn't got back to us, but we really feel that they are ready. They love church, they love the gospel, they have the desire.. but we want it to be okay with their family!

We had many opportunities to do service this week and to "do good". There is no greater joy than seeing some one come unto Christ.. Whether it be a member, an investigator, a less-active member. I've especially seen my faith grow in my Savior these past couple weeks as we've been sharing the gift! I love this gospel and this work and I absolutley love the Book of Mormon. I know that it is the word of God!
What gift can you give the savior this Christmas season?
Love you all!!
Sister James
Reuniting with my former companions
Saying goodbye to sister Brown
Ventura missionaries from Orem
Zone Conference
(notice we are the only sisters)
My dear "sister Knight"




 It has been a great week full of miracles and tender mercies! Every day just gets better and better :)
The Gomez family is doing well! We had FHE with them and a member from our ward in their home. The ward outreach has been amazing.. Their friends with everyone in the ward! They also came to the ward Christmas party and really seemed to enjoy it.
Enrique is also doing really well! He has been out of town and will be for these next couple weeks, but he met with the bishop yesterday and will be getting the priesthood soon. We had a quick meeting with him this week and he was asking a lot of questions about fasting and the temple as well... He said his goal is the temple and he wants to do all he can to prepare to go! He's great! :)

Our area is doing really well! The 2nd ward elders investigators got married and baptized this weekend.. It was super neat and the spirit was so strong. Our district sang.. and that was a little rough, but that's okay :) haha So, Dave came to the Goyneche's baptism and also came to church for the first time! He really seemed to enjoy it and had several questions about the baptism and preparing and such. He kept asking about temples and the sealing power.. he is so genuine. He's also reading the Book of Mormon! He's just so busy with his work schedule, but we are hoping we can meet with him more consistently because he is GREAT!. Eduardo, (the 86 year old Filipino man) also came to church again! We weren't able to catch him to have a lesson this week, but he just showed up to sacrament meeting! We hope to meet with him and his wife this week.

I absolutely love the "He is the gift" video/ pass along cards that the church has come out with! We've already seen it help hasten the work here. Almost every one we meet in Camarillo has belief in Christ, so it really has helped others understand that we our message is completely centered on Christ.

One experience we had was on Saturday. We met this man named Charlie. We showed him the video and after talking for a while realized how familiar he was with the church. He told us he has been to Provo several times for work and would read the copies of the Book of Mormon placed in the hotel rooms. He said he found the Book of Mormon to be very interesting. We gave him another copy and asked if he would come to church.. he said, "Sure I'll come!" And he came the very next day.. He also read through 2 Nephi the day we gave him the Book of Mormon! He stayed for Sunday school and the lesson was on the restoration.. it was perfect. Such a miracle! We are very excited to meet with him this week and teach him more.

 I really enjoyed having the opportunity to attend the temple this week.. It is a learning place and I feel like I learn something new each time I go. It helps me gain eternal perspective and especially helps my learn more about the covenants I have made.. It was so nice to just be away from the world and feel closer to my Heavenly Father there! 

I'm so grateful for this time of year and to be doing the Lord's work.. we have seen so many miracles and I know that this season, to focus even more on our savior Jesus Christ and his atonement is hastening the work. I'm grateful for the opportunity we had to watch the Christmas devotional last night! I felt like it was completely focused on the importance of emulating the life of our savior through our actions and developing his attributes of love, patience, obedience.. I know that he lives and that the greatest manifestation of God's love is the gift of his son Jesus Christ. Never hesitate to share the gift by sharing your testimony of Jesus Christ with others.. We have the ability to touch lives through our testimonies.

I know that this gospel is true and this is the Lord's work.. I know that we can help build his kingdom. I've never been happier! Thank you for the prayers & support :) I love you all!!

Sister James

"If the savior were among us today, we would find him where he always was- ministering to the meek, the down cast, the humble, the distressed and the poor in spirit, during this Christmas season and always, may we give HIM by loving as he loves. May we remember the humble dignity of his birth, gifts, and life. And may we, through simple acts of kindness, charity and compassion, fill the world with the light of his love and healing power."
President Ucthdorf
A drawing of Sister James from niece Kate Jacobson

Trip to the Temple
Los Angeles Temple

Baptism on the beach



Listening with Love

Hello everyone!

I can't believe it's December.. blows my mind. I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving!! Ours was GREAT :) With the holiday, we were able to get in contact with a lot of people and a lot of less-actives we've been trying to visit were home. One miracle that we've seen is the progress we've made with a less active member, sister Kight! I have a testimony that service opens up many opportunities and softens hearts. In the past, sister Kight hasn't been as receptive or open to missionaries, but because we've been helping her in her home, she has let us share the lessons with her. She is absolutely HILARIOUS.. so blunt. Haha. She really opened up about some concerns she has with the church.. most of them involving the "social aspect." She is a really sweet lady with a firm faith in Christ and I know that as we continue to do service for her, her heart will soften even more! Plus we're having taco Tuesday this week, so we're looking forward to that! 

Thursday was awesome.. we had district meeting, which was completely centered on gratitude. We also went to the Waidmann's home (Sis. Kight's daughter who's also in the ward) and they had several non-member friend's there. We spent time talking to them about our faith and what we do as missionaries. We spoke to one of their friends, Jerry for awhile and we actually ended up giving him a copy of the Book of Mormon! He lives in LA and said he would contact the missionaries if he had any more questions. It was just a blessing to be able to share our testimonies with several people in this member's home. This work is the best.

We also went to the Gomez home… they went all out for us! It was so nice and I'm so grateful I could spend it with them. We talked about what we are thankful for and really focused on the savior…we're praying that sister Gomez will continue to have the desire to know for herself.. she's one stubborn lady! (But we love her) :) They came to church yesterday and she stayed for 2nd hour! We will be having an FHE with them and a family in our ward tonight, so we're excited about that!

MIRACLE:  Eduardo! We met Eduardo a couple weeks ago.. he's an 86 year old Philipino man. When we first met him he said, "Hold on!" He ran into his house and came out with a copy of the Book of Mormon and said, " this book saved my life!" a few years back he was very sick in the hospital and someone gave him the Book of Mormon.. he said he would read it and even sleep with it and that it truly gave him the hope he needed. We weren't sure if he was completely there (since he's 86) but He was explaining book of Mormon stories to us?! We were like, "Who is this man??" Haha! And he said he STILL reads it! We invited him to church and he came with his wife yesterday. We're excited to meet with him again and begin teaching him!

We were finally able to have a lesson with Dave! We've been trying to meet with him for awhile.. he's so BUSY. We had a lesson in his home with a member yesterday and it went really well! He was introduced to the church by his girl friend, Julie. She's a member who lives in Salt Lake City and Dave is just fascinated with the church.. he loves it. He has a strong catholic background, but is interested in learning about other religions. We taught him the restoration and he had many sincere questions.. he's very genuine and has been reading and praying. He said he would be baptized if he comes to know that it is true!! We're just trying to help him see the importance of priesthood authority at this point, but he is awesome.. very pure in heart.

Something that I've really been thinking about this week is the power that comes from Listening with Love. I'm focusing on listening with real intent when our investigators are expressing their concerns and thoughts.. so that I can respond by the spirit. I love this quote by elder Bednar, "The gift of discernment operates best when we are listening. To really understand the questions and the intent, ask clarifying questions and be prepared to do as much listening as you do talking." I love that last part about being prepared to listen. I'm so grateful for the spirit in this work.. the spirit is the teacher and I hope that I can be an instrument in the hands of the Lord by being a better listener.

Christ-like love will change the world!  I'm so grateful for this season, where we can focus on serving those around us and reaching out. Charity is the pure love of Christ (Moroni 7:46-48)  I know that if we pray to be filled with this love, the Lord will grant that to us and we will be able to change someone's life for the better.

 I know that my savior lives! I love you all!! Have a good week :)

 Sister James
Thanksgiving with the Gomez family
Winter in Camarillo!
Camarillo district






"We desire the Salvation of Souls"

Hello everyone!

First of all, I want to say happy birthday to my beautiful mother this past week!! You are one amazing woman and I hope you got spoiled rotten :) I have to apologize if this email is sloppy and all-over the place.. I've had the flu, so my head is spinning Ha!

This week we did service for three different less-active ladies in our ward. I know that service is such a powerful tool in bringing others closer to our savior. We had the opportunity to help sister Kight with some house work…she hasn't been active in a few years and she said "you girls are here because you just want me to come back to church!" she paused.. and said "Well, I just might." That was a miracle!! She really appreciated us coming over. It was neat because I haven't been able to meet her since I've been here and we happened to come by the day after she had back surgery. It's amazing how the spirit directs us where we need to be. She's a crazy, old cat lady.. she's a hoot and I already love her!

Sister Steele, a member of our ward had us over for dinner along with a friend who she's been telling us about! Her friend Nicole is a single mom with a 2 year old son, Andrew.  She and sister Steele met at the gym and she has mentioned to us that she's felt prompted to invite her to hear about the gospel. Nicole has had some trials in her life and really needs that direction... we had the opportunity to teach her the plan of salvation and the spirit was so powerful. Sister Steele just testified and basically taught the lesson and Nicole really seemed to enjoy it. We will be meeting with her again on Wednesday in the Steele's home!

We met with the Gomez family after zone conference.. we decided to completely focus our lesson on Christ. We watched a powerful Mormon message and read 3 Nephi 11. We each shared our testimonies of Jesus Christ.. this family is so amazing. The daughters each shared their personal feelings about the savior and atonement and the spirit was touching Sister Gomez heart. THEN we found out she has been reading!! They weren't able to make it to stake conference, but brother Gomez said that they are making it a priority to read and pray as a family.. We were excited to hear that sister Gomez took the time to read because she has been resisting it. I'm really looking forward to spending thanksgiving with them!

We were blessed to have zone conference and stake conference this week! I'm so grateful for these meetings to receive personal revelation and greater perspective. We were introduced to our new 5 areas of focus.. which are


"In the Great California Ventura Mission, we..


1. Begin with the end in mind

2. We are consecrated servants of Jesus Christ

3. We strive to serve the Lord through our obedience

4. We are led by the spirit as we find and teach

5. We desire the salvation of souls

I especially love the last one, "We desire the salvation of souls." I know that each soul is great in the sight of our heavenly father! The conference was completely centered on desires and helped me reflect on what my desires are and how I can align them with the will of the Lord. Something that I really got out of the conference was that our father in heaven does not expect perfection, but he expects a willing heart.. We talked about the letter of the law vs. the spirit of the law. Once we understand WHY we are obedient.. why we keep the commandments, we can find joy in them and our desires change. I am so grateful for this work and to be a missionary at this time. I'm grateful for this season to remember to count my many blessings.. I feel especially blessed to share this message of hope. I know that my Savior lives and that this is the work of the Lord!

Happy Thanksgiving!! I love you all!!

 Sister James
Birthday cake made by Sis Brown
More Birthday Love!

Exchange with Sis Draney







Precious time

Family and friends!

 Where to begin? It's been a great week and a lot of good things are happening! I wish I could write every thing!! THIS is the greatest work. This week was also super fun.. Sister Brown made me a cake for my birthday.. I'll attach pictures. She's the greatest! The ward members also made it a very special day for me.. they're the best. I even got some of sister Barlow's homemade bread and Jam.. SCORE :)

 This week I had the opportunity to go on exchange, which was a huge blessing. I went to VENTURA with Sister Kemp.. I was so excited :) It was pretty sentimental for me.. here I am half-way through my mission and had a day to serve in my first area. A lot of memories and a lot of lessons learned! It's amazing how much I have grown since then and the changes I have seen in myself as a missionary and a person. I still have so many things to learn and I'm grateful for this precious time I have to serve the Lord.  My exchange goal was to Listen.. ask people what matters to them and THEN relate it to the restoration of the gospel. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.. when I make it personal to others and really get to know others, my words come to me by the spirit and it's easier to teach. It's been amazing to see the difference in my teaching.. it's more genuine and the spirit seems to work within others more. We were challenged to invite some one to baptism every day and we've seen miracles from that! I know that if I have the faith, and tell the Lord I'll go and do it, he'll provide a way.

 It was fun because Sister Felix came out to a lesson with us.. how lucky are we?! She's so sweet.

 Enrique: he is doing INCREDIBLE. He couldn't stop expressing the happiness he has felt and the difference of having the gift of the holy ghost has made in this short time. He told us that he has his picture of Christ and the temple in his bedroom and his goal is the temple! Such a blessing. He's also been on fire with missionary work!! His mom has seen the happiness he feels and wants it for herself, so she will be meeting with the hermana's tomorrow! :) Enrique has such a light and his desire to share it with every one, especially his family amazes me. We invited isabelle! (his 10 yr old daughter) to church and she said she would come this week, so we're crossing our fingers!

Gomez family : Sister Gomez expressed more of her concerns.. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the desire to know for herself at this time. She expressed to us that she feels like she is betraying God because he's already given her so much and she already has faith in him.. we explained that this will only enhance what she has, not tear it down.

 she doesn't have the desire to change or make that commitment right now. We were over there for awhile and she even admitted to being stubborn and hard

 headed haha.. Brother Gomez wants her to know for herself and testifies to her with such love! Sister Brown and I think it might be good to give them a break this week. It can be frustrating when you feel like you're doing all you can, but they don't have the desire. It will come with time and she will make the commitment when she's ready. All we can do is keep the faith!

 We really want to focus on the girls and helping them progress as well.. We think this will soften her heart!

 This week I've been thinking a lot about how there are SO many different interpretations.. so many different ideas and opinions and perspectives. My faith and testimony has been so refined with the questions we are asked. I know that taking my own questions and questions others have to the Lord in prayer is greatest source of truth. He is ALL knowing.. and he will answer.

 I've especially seen this past week the miracles that come when I place my confidence in Christ, rather than in myself.. I'm grateful for the opportunities that I have each day to strengthen my faith in Jesus Christ.. to testify of him and to Invite others to come unto him. I know that it starts with belief.. which then turns into faith and eventually we can have a surety. I have a surety that this is the Lord's work and that he is with me and I am so grateful!

I love you all! Thank you for the birthday love! :)
Sister James

Happy Birthday sister James!

Birthday Love!




Miracles every day!


We cracked out the Christmas music this week, but it just isn't right when you're listening to "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" and it's 85 outside Ha!

Anyway, the work is going well here in Camarillo!  We're seeing a lot of miracles every day :) One miracle we had this week was meeting Betty. She opened the door and told us she was very familiar with the church and has some Mormon relatives. She told us she's not interested… we have been really focusing on offering service and we told her that we're really looking to help out in any way we can. She explained that she recently had a kidney transplant and could really use some help with her windows. We set up a return appointment and she offered to make us lunch! This will be a good opportunity to help her understand that our message is completely focused on our savior Jesus Christ. (She is very Christian). The spirit directs us to those who are in need and we're excited to help her out!

The Gomez family is doing well! Sister Gomez really opened up about her concerns this week. She told us that she just doesn't have the time to commit right now and that she's just not ready. Brother Gomez testified to her that if she truly has the desire to know, she has to put forth the effort and set aside time to read the Book of Mormon and pray with rea intent. We also cleared up some crazy misconceptions she had about the church that she's heard from others, so that was good. We talked about temples and eternal families and she really seemed to enjoy learning about it.. we had a temple ensign issue and she asked if she could borrow it! They have AWESOME fellowship from the ward. The 3 girls are amazing... they all have testimonies and have the desire to follow Christ. We are keeping Sister Gomez in each of our prayers, that she may have more of a desire. She even admitted that she's very stubborn haha.


We weren't able to meet with Enrique this week, but he came to church yesterday and told us how happy he feels and that he just wants to "Share his happiness with every one!" He also sent us a text that said, "Sister's.. I just want you to know.. I'm SO happy to be a Mormon!" Haha he's awesome. We are meeting with him and his 10 year old daughter, Isabelle this week! He invites her to church every week and she has come once, but Enrique wants us to begin teaching her.

We did a lot of finding this week. We knocked A LOT haha. It can be pretty productive on Saturdays because people are home and that's when we met several potential investigators… there were a few people who were interested in reading the Book of Mormon, that we will be following up with within the next couple weeks!! We're trying to find more service and more productive proselyting activities!

I've been studying and thinking a lot about covenants this past week… because we are preparing to attend the temple soon for sis. Brown and I's b-day! And also with our investigators in mind. I read a talk given by Jean A. Stevens, she talked about how making and keeping covenants with God help us know who we are.. They connect us to him in a very personal way. It's such a blessing to invite others to come unto Jesus Christ and make covenants and see how important my covenants have become to me in the process of being a missionary. I'm so grateful for the relationship I have developed with my Heavenly Father through prayer and through this work. I'm grateful for the atonement of my Savior, that enables me to change and overcome my weaknesses

I love this work and I have never been happier :)

Thank you for the support and prayers!

Sister James

November 3, 2014

A lot of good news!

Family and Friends!

 A lot of good news! :) It rained this week and we really, really needed it and have been praying for it! Also, I am staying in Camarillo with Sister Brown! We were SO happy. The work is really progressing here and we are just so on the same page. (Companion telepathy is real haha)  We're thrilled and can't wait to see what this transfer will bring :) It's been an incredible week!!

Enrique's baptism and confirmation was so powerful! He was glowing... and the spirit was so strong. He has such a humble heart and I've learned so much from his example. He is just so kind and tenderhearted. He shared his testimony on Sunday about how he wants to be an example to his family and his children and that they mean everything to him. After his confirmation he walked up to us and said,  "I'M A MORMON NOW." Haha and the whole day he kept expressing to us how good he felt. It was priceless :) It was such a blessing to see him make this covenant and was a good reminder to me of my commitment to follow our savior Jesus Christ. We are so excited to continue to work with him and point him to the temple!

The Gomez family is doing AMAZING. They were excited to hear that we're both staying and we will be spending thanksgiving with them! :) (Our ward is amazing.. we already have 4 thanksgiving meals haha. They treat us so well.) We met with them and our relief society president and her husband. It was perfect.. they both told their conversion stories and for the both of them, it hasn't been an easy road. Their testimonies were so powerful and exactly what Sister Gomez needed to hear. They relate to her really well because they were both born and raised catholic… They also came to all three hours of church yesterday! She still has a difficult time with the restoration and prophets, but she is really opening her heart to know if these things are true. '

We had 11 hours of service this week! Service is my favorite! I love this area and our ward. They are so diligent and have the desire to reach out and fellowship others. They are so great to work with! I am so blessed to be here serving the Lord and to see the atonement at work in not only others life, but my own life. I know that this is the savior's work and that Charity, the pure love of Christ, changes lives.

"The Saviors' example provides a framework for everything that we do, and his words provide an unfailing guide. His path will take us safely home."

 - President Monson

Not only will the savior's path take us safely home, but we can help others along the path and take them safely home with us. Never hesitate to lift, encourage our reach out to some one! Every soul is great in the sight of our heavenly father. Thank you for your prayers and support.. I feel them every day :) I love you all!!!

 Sister James
Enrique is baptized!
Happy Halloween from Camarillo!

Its my other mom Lisa!
A surprise visit from the Berthold's!




The work just gets better and better!

Hello everyone!

It definitely doesn't feel like Halloween/Fall time over here... but I'm not complaining :) It has been such a good week. This work just  gets better and better every day. Enrique is all set and ready to be baptized on Saturday! YAY!  We met with him and spent some time explaining what the program will entail. We are so excited that he feels ready and he's made this decision! The ward has been so supportive and it sounds like a lot of our members will be attending, along with Enrique's family. The Gomez family will also be attending his baptism. Enrique is going to make one amazing member of the church. He's great and we are so blessed that we get to see him be baptized!


We met with the Gomez family and taught the restoration. The spirit is always so powerful in their home, especially when Brother Gomez shares his testimony. It's amazing how I am teaching all the time as a missionary... but I learn so much from our investigators and those we meet each day. I've never met a family who loved and cared for one another as much as this family. They are such an example to me. They are incredible and I want nothing more than for them to have this in their life.. We taught the restoration through to Joseph Smith and Brother Gomez pretty much finished off the lesson by testifying to Sister Gomez that she has to find out for herself through reading and praying with real intent. She has softened so much... and the spirit is working in her. She explained that she knows she needs to read and pray and she will really make an effort to do so. They all came to church yesterday and they are progressing really well. I love this family.


We had a few opportunities to do service this week! We helped a member family move and it was super neat because they had their non-member friend there. She will be moving pretty soon as well and she suggested that she contact the missionaries in her area to help her out…she was amazed that we are always looking to serve within the community. Pretty cool!


Random story for the week: We told this member who is a personal trainer we wanted to get into shape…she gave us these work outs and  with the combination of helping this family move, a lot of walking/knocking and the work out... We. Can't. Move. Pretty embarrassing haha!


I feel so blessed to be companion's with Sister Brown. She's an incredible missionary! She loves this work and has helped me love this work even more. She's diligent and hard-working and BOLD in her testimony. I would love to serve with her another transfer!  I can't believe how fast they fly... crazy.  We have been able to see a lot of miracles this week and this whole transfer. The more I have lost myself in this work, the more joy I have found. I can promise that the less we think about ourselves, and the more we think about others, the happier we become. Try it :)  I love these people and I know that our Heavenly Father knows them! I'm grateful for the sacred time I have each day to study and strengthen my personal testimony of this gospel. How blessed we are to have the scriptures... there is so much power in reading them every day. I met someone this week who says that truth does not exist.. I know with certainty that absolute truth exists and if we seek him in sincerity, he will answer. He cares. I love this gospel! Thanks for the prayers and support. Have an amazing week!!

Sister James

Sis J with baby pumpkin


The Lord always provides

Hi everyone!

Well, this week was amazing! It wasn't what we expected, but that's how every day goes. So… all of our set appointments fell through this week.. All of them, BUT it was great :) haha because of it, we met some great potential investigators.. .had opportunities to do service and found a new investigator, who is so prepared! The Lord always compensates and he always provides if we keep the faith and find joy in what he has prepared for us. I think he knows what he's doing more than we do Ha! So after one of our appointments cancelled we were doing some finding and met Daniel. He was outside working on his house. We got talking with him and found out that he is VERY familiar with the Church. He has several friends who have served missions, he's been to church and the visitor’s center, and he's read half of the Book of Mormon... Sister Brown and I asked him what he knew about The Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, and he pretty much taught us the restoration. IT was CRAZY! He explained that his friends who served missions would write him frequently and they would send him versus and talks.. He agreed to have us come back and share more and he told us he would invite his friend who just recently returned from a mission. He's 27, so we'll be passing him off to the elders! He is so prepared.. such a tender mercy!

We weren't able to meet with Enrique or the Gomez family this week, but they both came to church! Enrique received a blessing. After the blessing he told us that he felt the spirit so strongly and expressed that he is ready to be baptized on November 1st!! He said, "That was my sign." He is so ready and has so much faith. We are very happy that he's made this decision and we will continue to pray for him as he prepares and have the faith that he will commit to this date. The Gomez fam are doing great  as well :)

We had the opportunity to do service for a member of our ward who is going to be moving in a couple of weeks. She is a GREAT missionary... always looking for every opportunity to share the gospel with others! After we helped her get ready for a yard sale, she introduced us to two of her neighbors and we gave them our information, so that if they ever need service, they can call us.

I know that this work is the work of the Lord. I'm so blessed to have this time to consecrate everything to serving him.. it's going by way tooo fast. This is the greatest work and I'm so grateful I get to be an advocate of the truth and share my testimony of this gospel each day.. I love it! I know that he is preparing his children in this area and that he knows what's best. I love you all!! Thanks for the prayers :)

 Sister James
Sister Brown cooking fail

Tis the Halloween season!



Another great week!

Family and friends!!

I hope ever one had a great week :) I got your package from the Barlow's. The sweet tooth fairy treats are already gone Ha. Aren't the Barlow's the best?! They are so involved in the work and consecrate all their time to the Lord. I forgot to mention that the Wood's (My fav. members from Ventura) now live in Camarillo 5th ward.. it's been so fun!

This week was great.. It was a week of miracles and tender mercies here in Camarillo! The Lord is leading this work.. I know it. We had exchanges this week! Sis. Draney came to Camarillo and we had such a good day!! I focused on using the Book of Mormon more effectively in the work and literally every person we met that was willing to listen.. was interested in reading the Book of Mormon. One experience that was really neat was meeting this man named Kevin.. He has had a really rough past and never believed in God. He told us that he really didn't care about anything or anyone and felt he had no purpose. He told us about his change of heart in coming unto Christ and we were able to relate it to Alma the younger in the Book of Mormon. He was soaking it all up and the spirit was extremely strong.. definately a tender mercy. The Book of Mormon is powerful. It's changed my life.

Enrique is so. ready.  I have never taught someone so prepared! He taught us the lesson this week and his testimony is unshakable. We asked him how he enjoyed conference and he goes, " It was an honor. Listening to the prophet of the world was the greatest honor. I KNOW he's the prophet of god." The spirit was so powerful in our lesson.. We invited him to be baptized on Oct. 25th and he sat there for a second.. and then finally said that he needs to pray about it. He came to church yesterday and he is continuing to read and pray because he wants to be sure. He really wants to put both feet in this gospel, which is a blessing to know he really views this as a covenant.. something very important. Keep praying for him!  We met with The Gomez fam this week! They made us REAL tacos... I love them. Oh, and I ate cow tongue this week! Which is nothing compared to what Haley is eating in Cambodia and what my friends are eating in South  America, but hey, I thought it was pretty spontaneous. We invited Sis. Gomez to take the lessons and she accepted!! She told us her concerns with everything and she says she just doesn't feel the spirit at church, like she does at her church. Coming from a catholic background she is pretty hesitant, but her heart has been softened and she has come such a long way. And they all came to church yesterday! Such a blessing. I forgot to mention but the 3 girls are 12, 10, and 8. None of them are members either, but they all have testimonies and love primary and YW. Please keep praying for them as well... This family is so dear to me!

We had a lot of opportunities to do service... my calling in my YSA ward even came in handy this week! Haha we taught Paige and Paris (9 yr old twins) How to lead music and helped them with their math homework.. (It's embarrassing how bad I am at math. 3rd grade math) That was fun! We also did some yard work and cleaning for a former investigator. Service softens hearts!

This work brings me so much joy... The lord could do this on His own, but He allows us to be a part of it because we grow and learn in so many ways. I've never been happier! The gospel of Jesus Christ is perfect. I know that this is the time the Lord is hastening his work and he will qualify the weak. We can be instruments in his hands and see miracles every day if we choose to. Like Elder Bednar said, "Our desire to share the gospel is a reflection of how important it is to us." Share because you love it.

 I love you all! Have an amazing week :)

New District in Camarillo
The Barlow's deliver a surprise from home!
Sister James with Cami from Ventura