December 29, 2014

Miracles every day!


We cracked out the Christmas music this week, but it just isn't right when you're listening to "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" and it's 85 outside Ha!

Anyway, the work is going well here in Camarillo!  We're seeing a lot of miracles every day :) One miracle we had this week was meeting Betty. She opened the door and told us she was very familiar with the church and has some Mormon relatives. She told us she's not interested… we have been really focusing on offering service and we told her that we're really looking to help out in any way we can. She explained that she recently had a kidney transplant and could really use some help with her windows. We set up a return appointment and she offered to make us lunch! This will be a good opportunity to help her understand that our message is completely focused on our savior Jesus Christ. (She is very Christian). The spirit directs us to those who are in need and we're excited to help her out!

The Gomez family is doing well! Sister Gomez really opened up about her concerns this week. She told us that she just doesn't have the time to commit right now and that she's just not ready. Brother Gomez testified to her that if she truly has the desire to know, she has to put forth the effort and set aside time to read the Book of Mormon and pray with rea intent. We also cleared up some crazy misconceptions she had about the church that she's heard from others, so that was good. We talked about temples and eternal families and she really seemed to enjoy learning about it.. we had a temple ensign issue and she asked if she could borrow it! They have AWESOME fellowship from the ward. The 3 girls are amazing... they all have testimonies and have the desire to follow Christ. We are keeping Sister Gomez in each of our prayers, that she may have more of a desire. She even admitted that she's very stubborn haha.


We weren't able to meet with Enrique this week, but he came to church yesterday and told us how happy he feels and that he just wants to "Share his happiness with every one!" He also sent us a text that said, "Sister's.. I just want you to know.. I'm SO happy to be a Mormon!" Haha he's awesome. We are meeting with him and his 10 year old daughter, Isabelle this week! He invites her to church every week and she has come once, but Enrique wants us to begin teaching her.

We did a lot of finding this week. We knocked A LOT haha. It can be pretty productive on Saturdays because people are home and that's when we met several potential investigators… there were a few people who were interested in reading the Book of Mormon, that we will be following up with within the next couple weeks!! We're trying to find more service and more productive proselyting activities!

I've been studying and thinking a lot about covenants this past week… because we are preparing to attend the temple soon for sis. Brown and I's b-day! And also with our investigators in mind. I read a talk given by Jean A. Stevens, she talked about how making and keeping covenants with God help us know who we are.. They connect us to him in a very personal way. It's such a blessing to invite others to come unto Jesus Christ and make covenants and see how important my covenants have become to me in the process of being a missionary. I'm so grateful for the relationship I have developed with my Heavenly Father through prayer and through this work. I'm grateful for the atonement of my Savior, that enables me to change and overcome my weaknesses

I love this work and I have never been happier :)

Thank you for the support and prayers!

Sister James

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