April 23, 2014

"Because I know the Book of Mormon is true!"

Where do I begin? This week was incredible! Mission conference with Elder Nelson was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I've always known how significant the prophet and apostles are, but being in the presence of Elder Nelson strengthened my testimony of the restored gospel. This IS Christ's church. Elder Nelson was such a powerful speaker and just incredibly genuine.. and witty too. Throughout the entire meeting I felt the spirit so strongly, but especially during the prelude music following the meeting. As I was able to reflect on what had been shared, I felt so inspired and changed. We also had the privilege of listening to Elder Bowen from the quorum of the 70. Elder Bowen's focused on not setting false limitations as missionaries.. that message motivated me and helped me take a step back and realize that I can work towards higher goals. Sister Nelson also told a story about Elder Nelson's response to a nurse that said, "Why are you different than other surgeons?" His response was,  "Because I know the book of Mormon is true." I absolutely love that statement.. simple, yet powerful. So the next time someone asks you, "Why don't you drink coffee? Or Why do you keep the Sabbath day holy.. respond with "because I know the book of mormon is true." And it is! This particular question was revelation to sister  Morrison and I for two of our investigators, Craig and Carol. They left us with a question last time we met with them.. "How do you test the prophet Joseph Smith? How do you know he is not a false Prophet." Because WE know the Book of Mormon is true. That is the number one source in helping others overcome their issues and concerns. It changes lives and hearts. Elder Nelson also stated something I loved  "repentance is conversion, conversion is repentance." We can always be more converted.. we must continually use the atonement in our lives. Each and every one of us is imperfect. Each and every one of us NEED him and his love.

Last night we met with Tony for the second time this week. We focused especially on how the Book of Mormon combined with prayer will be the best way to overcoming his smoking addiction. We had a super powerful lesson with Brother Overton, our ward mission leader. We watched the restoration video and as each of us bore testimony of the restoration, the spirit was strongly present. Tony got up.. walked to the garbage can and threw away his (almost full) pack of cigarettes. Brother Overton then gave him a powerful priesthood blessing. I know that Tony will be able to overcome this.. he desires it, but especially wants to make that covenant with his heavenly father.

Easter Sunday was also so amazing. I love the video Elder Nelson displayed, "because of him."  I love my savior Jesus Christ.. his grace and mercy is real .. I know there is a plan, a perfect plan. I want to be his disciple forever and through him only can we receive eternal joy. I love sharing this message with others every day.. that they don't have to fear death. There are second chances.. they can change.. and they can have that never ending happiness. I know the lord directs this work. I know without a doubt, this is Jesus Christ's church.. I could never deny it.

Sister James


April 7, 2014

I'm staying in Ventura!

Hey guys!!

What an incredible week It has been!! It's hard to believe that my first transfer as a missionary is coming to a close. I have learned more about my testimony and relationship with my savior in these past six weeks than ever before. Sister Mason Is leaving :( but I am staying in Ventura! She was seriously an answer to my prayers. I could not have been with a sweeter person! Plus.. we had a blast together and had some of the most awkward, funny experiences. (You don't know awkward until you knock on random peoples doors sharing the gospel) haha. Oh, I forgot to mention Sister Mason sleep talks and teaches the lessons in her sleep. It is tooo good haha, but I am definitely excited to see what this next transfer brings!

This week, Sister Mason and I sang at a baptism. The singing was rough, but the baptism was amazing! Tony was able to attend and it made him super excited for his baptism coming up. We had an incredible lesson with him on Monday night… we taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ with brother and sister Wood! Having lessons in the member’s home brings the spirit even more. Brother Wood was able to give Tony a priesthood blessing so that He would have the strength to quit smoking this week. It was so powerful and that next day he had only smoked ONE cigarette. We also met with him on Thursday night with Sister Belisle! Sister Belisle has been in his exact situation.. her testimony and advice to him was absolutely perfect. We try to understand his situation best we can, but when someone knows exactly how you're feeling, they can better relate. We talked a bit about the power of the atonement and sister belisle expressed that, "If she could do it, he could too." Tony is doing AWESOME! He just has to resist the temptation to smoke and drink his coffee. He desires to give it up and he said that Monday would be the day that he quits completely.

This week we went and visited Linda! Usually when we visit with her, she doesn't share much interest in the church because she is pretty devoted to her catholic faith. But this time when we met with her, she was asking a lot of questions about our services. She asked if we have music and we said, "OF COURSE!" We were able to then sing for her.  She's really struggling with overcoming her knee surgery, and she expressed to us the peace she feels when we come and are able to visit with her. At the end of our visit she offered to pray,  she prayed that she may be able to heal quickly, so she could attend church! Every time we go over she says, "YOU MORMONS SHOW UP EVERY TIME I'M IN A CRISIS! I think God is telling me something here."

We also met with Danni! She is still doing awesome!! We gave her a Children's Book of Mormon and she loved it! She's getting really excited about her baptism coming up on May 3rd!

Conference weekend was SO great. I don't think I can just pick one talk that was my favorite, they were all so good. I especially noticed a pattern in Saturday's sessions of the importance of being a true disciple of Jesus Christ…about the importance of defending our faith and not hiding it. Sometimes that can be tough. Especially out here, I've really had to learn to defend my faith and what I believe, BUT with compassion and courtesy. I loved Russell M. Nelson's talk about being truly Tied to God.. and "Increasing your faith, Proclaiming your faith, and letting your faith show." I loved Lawerence E. Corbridge's talk about the restoration. "There will ALWAYS be opposition to the truth." Ah, I needed to hear that one! I also loved what Richard G. Scott emphasized…Sometimes the only way we can influence someone is just by showing them love, that's how we can be a significant influence in someone's life. Just by simply loving them, THEN they will feel God's love through you. President Thomas S. Monson is so inspired, I loved how simple, yet powerful his message was. Loving one another and expressing kindness can change the world and change hearts. (I had a lot of favorites haha)  What a blessing it is to know that we have a prophet on the earth today that receives revelation for our benefit. The Lord truly loves each of his children and wants the best for us. He wants us to enjoy all the blessings this gospel has to offer and he's blessed us with that guidance. I love this gospel.. I love this work. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to see miracles each day, but you can too! You don't need a name tag to share the gospel or show your faith. I LOVE YOU ALL.

Sister James

Elders Leavitt and McKinley, Sisters James and Mason
Sister Mason and Sister James with Tony

April 1, 2014


FAM and Friendzzz

This week was wonderful! We had exchanges this week. I went to Camarillo with Sister Cusick and learned so much in just one day. My goal was to declare the restoration and focus on sharing the restoration of the gospel and be bold in declaring. I had an experience that touched me.. We had a gospel discussion with three young high school boys. They asked several questions about the church and thought it fascinating that we have a prophet and that he is the prophet of the whole world, not just our church. One of them, asked me, " So you've grown up believing this? You were raised this way." I had the opportunity to bear testimony that even though I grew up surrounded by friends and family who were members of the church and have always had that foundation, I too had to find out for myself. I had to get on my knees and pray to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know, without a doubt, that the gospel of Jesus Christ is restored. I know that these things are true. We have to find out for ourselves, but continue to learn from each other and draw strength from each other’s testimonies! I came away from exchanges wanting to be a better missionary in general, but especially to declare the restoration :)

We have been meeting with Brother Allen every week! He is the less active member who's in his 80's. Calling him for appointments is one of mine and sister mason's favorite thing because he cracks the best jokes. Anyway, we are fighting so hard to help him get to the temple. Our lesson with him was so powerful. Discussing personal experiences and why the temple is so important to Sister Mason and I really left me pondering.. through the covenants I have made with the Lord by going through the temple, my perspective on every thing has shifted so much. I have grown so much closer to him and my understanding of the gospel. We aren't trying to get him there because it is the next step. It's because we want him to have those blessings that we enjoy!

We met with Tony this week and taught the Word of Wisdom. He Says, "I know I have to give these things up for my baptism!" He is so solid and really striving to be prepared for his baptism in every way! He came to church yesterday with his Book of Mormon in hand. He also came to the second hour.. wahooo! We will be meeting with him tonight and he has requested to receive a priesthood blessing as he commits to quit smoking by Saturday. It's been a blessing to see his growth and has really inspired me to be more faithful. He has A LOT of faith.

We had the opportunity to watch the general Women's broadcast this past weekend. It was amazing.. I didn't want it to end ha! When I saw the Salt lake temple and the conference center my heart hurt (but only a tiny tiny bit) haha :) The meeting was beautiful. It seemed to be centered on covenants and helping one other in selflessness. Henry B. Eyring's talk touched me.. God has provided us with a plan.. a path marked with covenants. He knew that the journey back home would be difficult at times and that's why he provided us with help along the way. I was thinking a lot about the great women I have in my life as examples and how they have helped me on my path back. I feel so blessed to be a covenant daughter and to feel his love through living the gospel and especially sharing it with others here in Ventura! He sees our divine potential. He loves us and he will be with us as we take our journey back to our heavenly home. I can't wait to see what is in store for general conference this weekend!! I'm sooo excited. I've been thinking about questions I want to seek answers for and challenge every one to pray to receive revelation in preparation for conference. It's gonna be gooood. Anyway, I am out of time! But I love you alll!! You're the best. Thank you for the letters/ emails!

"Those who listen to and follow the counsel of the living prophets and apostles will not go astray. The teachings of living prophets provide an anchor of eternal truth in a world of shifting values and help us avoid misery and sorrow."


Preach my gospel Pg. 75

Sister James
