November 3, 2014

The work just gets better and better!

Hello everyone!

It definitely doesn't feel like Halloween/Fall time over here... but I'm not complaining :) It has been such a good week. This work just  gets better and better every day. Enrique is all set and ready to be baptized on Saturday! YAY!  We met with him and spent some time explaining what the program will entail. We are so excited that he feels ready and he's made this decision! The ward has been so supportive and it sounds like a lot of our members will be attending, along with Enrique's family. The Gomez family will also be attending his baptism. Enrique is going to make one amazing member of the church. He's great and we are so blessed that we get to see him be baptized!


We met with the Gomez family and taught the restoration. The spirit is always so powerful in their home, especially when Brother Gomez shares his testimony. It's amazing how I am teaching all the time as a missionary... but I learn so much from our investigators and those we meet each day. I've never met a family who loved and cared for one another as much as this family. They are such an example to me. They are incredible and I want nothing more than for them to have this in their life.. We taught the restoration through to Joseph Smith and Brother Gomez pretty much finished off the lesson by testifying to Sister Gomez that she has to find out for herself through reading and praying with real intent. She has softened so much... and the spirit is working in her. She explained that she knows she needs to read and pray and she will really make an effort to do so. They all came to church yesterday and they are progressing really well. I love this family.


We had a few opportunities to do service this week! We helped a member family move and it was super neat because they had their non-member friend there. She will be moving pretty soon as well and she suggested that she contact the missionaries in her area to help her out…she was amazed that we are always looking to serve within the community. Pretty cool!


Random story for the week: We told this member who is a personal trainer we wanted to get into shape…she gave us these work outs and  with the combination of helping this family move, a lot of walking/knocking and the work out... We. Can't. Move. Pretty embarrassing haha!


I feel so blessed to be companion's with Sister Brown. She's an incredible missionary! She loves this work and has helped me love this work even more. She's diligent and hard-working and BOLD in her testimony. I would love to serve with her another transfer!  I can't believe how fast they fly... crazy.  We have been able to see a lot of miracles this week and this whole transfer. The more I have lost myself in this work, the more joy I have found. I can promise that the less we think about ourselves, and the more we think about others, the happier we become. Try it :)  I love these people and I know that our Heavenly Father knows them! I'm grateful for the sacred time I have each day to study and strengthen my personal testimony of this gospel. How blessed we are to have the scriptures... there is so much power in reading them every day. I met someone this week who says that truth does not exist.. I know with certainty that absolute truth exists and if we seek him in sincerity, he will answer. He cares. I love this gospel! Thanks for the prayers and support. Have an amazing week!!

Sister James

Sis J with baby pumpkin


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