April 6, 2015

Missionary work...great as always!

Hi everyone!

We have had quite the week - It has been great, as always!
A lot of miracles and a lot of learning experiences :)

 One miracle is our new investigator, Joy. We met her a couple weeks ago and we weren't sure how interested she was because she's very shy and hard to read. Well, we tried by this past week and she let us right in! She opened up about a lot of things and told us she's been struggling with knowing her purpose in life and knowing who she is. We had the opportunity to testify to her that she is a daughter of our father in heaven, who knows her... and the message that we share will help her know who she is and her divine potential - she came to church on Sunday and really seemed to enjoy it. It was pretty new to her... we had ward conference, which was amazing, but she was pretty confused about all the sustaining. We were able to explain and answer a lot of her questions. 

Michael is doing amazing! We're grateful we have the opportunity to teach him. His baptism is going to be on the 21st and he's been inviting every one. He is so prepared.. We taught him this week and as we were talking he said, "Oh this reminds me of a verse that I like in the Doctrine and Covenants." We were like who is this kid? He sounds and lives like a member of the church. He's a dry Mormon ha! :) He knows the Book of Mormon really well and has been reading diligently.. We asked him why he wants to be baptized and he told us that if Jesus Christ, being perfect was baptized, than he needed to be baptized as well. He is ready! Also, something that has been neat is his desire to perform temple work for his father who has passed away.. this is something that has drawn him to the gospel.

We had zone meeting this past week - our leaders are very inspired, especially president and sister Felix! He's really, really emphasizing working with our members. The zone leaders presented an idea called, "Power hours" Basically, you take a member out with to contact for an hour, while the rest of the family studies PMG and prays for your success. Missionaries in other areas who have done this have seen amazing things happen and have helped strengthen the ward and get the members excited about sharing the gospel. We have two families committed to try it with us this week. We're really looking forward to that :)

So, the Lucas family is doing great! And they're progressing really well… As I mentioned, Heather is struggling with some things and so we were able to discuss the verses in Mosiah 24 about how the Lord eased the burdens which were upon Alma and his people. We talked about how the Lord doesn't necessarily take away our trials when we turn to him, but that he "strengthens us in them and makes them light." Trials allow us to change for the better.. they refine our faith and our relationship with the savior. We taught the Lucas family twice this week and met with them last night.. we went through the baptismal interview questions last night with Heather and some issues have come up. We will have to postpone her baptism for now.. Sister Angimarau and I are really just trying to understand how we can help her feel loved and reassure her that she is on the right path and the Lord is very aware of her and her desire to make this covenant.  As difficult and disappointing as it is, I know that The lord has a plan for her and every thing will work out.. we don't always understand, but he sees the bigger picture. We will continue to teach them and help max and madeleine prepare for their baptism. Keep them in your prayers please!! I love this family!

This past year as a full-time missionary has been full of so many incredible experiences that have changed my life.. I'm so grateful for the opportunities I have been given to grow, learn and experience REAL, sincere joy. I'm grateful to see the atonement and the spirit at work every day.  I know that this is the church of Jesus Christ, it has been restored. I know that our father in Heaven would never leave us alone… that we have a living day prophet, Thomas S. Monson who receives direct revelation for the world. We can receive personal revelation, the Lord listens. He knows us and he loves us with a perfect, infinite love. Families are eternal. The Book of Mormon is true. Jesus Christ is our savior and he lives!

 I love you all. Thanks for your prayers!
Sister James

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