April 6, 2015

Good, Better and Best!

Hello everyone!

Another good week in Camarillo! :) The work is pressing forward! This past week we tried the power hours with the Zurcher family. It was such a great experience and it really strengthened their testimony of missionary work. We presented the idea to our ward council and also have two families we are trying it with this week and we're really looking forward to seeing how this will help members do their part in hastening the work and help them have neat missionary experiences!

Heather is doing so great! She wants to keep learning and coming to church, regardless of when she will be baptized. This past week she told us in our lesson that everything she's been learning has come with such "force" and that she needed this in her life and it came at the perfect time. We explained to her that she's feeling the spirit and that heavenly father is so aware of her… he KNOWS her. And she is ready to receive the gospel. We had a lesson on temples and eternal families... Heather had a lot of questions/curiosity (as does everyone around here ha) about garments and we had the opportunity to show her the informative video the church came out with! It's been so beneficial for us. Heather thought it was so neat that we have that daily reminder of our covenants and that it made complete sense to her. She also LOVED the family proclamation.. she wanted a copy for herself to put in her home. We talked about how satan is attacking the family and the world is moving away from God's ways. We helped her realize that baptism is the gate... but that being sealed with her family in the temple for eternity is when she can receive the full blessings that Heavenly Father has in store for her.

We met with Joy this past week...we taught her the restoration.. she told us that she's not really sure about Joseph Smith and the 1st vision because it's something so new to her and different from what she grew up with. We couldn't have emphasized the Book of Mormon more.. that it will be key in helping her come to know if these things are true. We testified that it will help her fulfill her desire in coming to know God and developing a relationship with him.. She was very intrigued by a modern day prophet and had a lot of questions about that. She's progressing really well and our members are really reaching out to fellowship!

 Michael is ready for his baptism this Saturday!

We had a lesson with him on the Priesthood and missionary work and we asked him if he would consider serving a full-time mission.. he said, "I'm thinking about it." How cool would that be?? He would be awesome and touch so many lives. He already has such a strong testimony!
Eduardo is coming back from the Philippines today! We're excited about that. Every one else is doing well and we're seeing miracles every day!

Our ward theme for this year is "Good, Better, and Best" I've been thinking about this a lot and about how we have so many good opportunities in life.. and we may even have better opportunities.. but it's important, though difficult at times, to focus on what is best. I promise that if we strive to seek first the kingdom of God and focus on our covenants.. everything else will fall into place. We can come to understand what is best and then see the Lord pour out his blessings! He loves us and he's interested in our hearts.

Have a good week :) I love you all!
Sister James
Valentine cookies... all the way from the Orem Sweet Tooth Fairy!

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