July 17, 2015

San Luis Obispo and Sister Training Leader!

Family and friends!

I am leaving this town that I love so much, but the good news is.. I'm being transferred to San Luis Obispo!! I haven't been up north, so I'm really excited :) I've also been called to serve as a sister training leader! I'm grateful for the opportunity I will have to learn from and work with more of the sisters. Every day of my mission gets better and better, so I know it will be wonderful.

I'm so grateful that the Lord gave me the opportunity to serve here in Ojai.. I learned SO much about myself and about understanding others through the atonement. And I'm so grateful for sweet Sister Scoresby.. she is the most compassionate, caring person I know and will do great leading out this area with TWO companions (They're going to have a trio here). I love the people here so much, but look forward to those I will meet in SLO!

We had such a busy week... so many good things happening!  A lot of service and appointments. Our area has grown immensely and the enthusiasm the ward has for missionary work has grown so much from when we first arrived. The lord is working in this area and the spirit has led us completely.. it's all Him! Lisa blows my mind... we joke that she is a member in disguise. She is facing so much opposition with her family and friends as she is making this decision to join the church.. the adversary is working on her, yet she is so strong. She knows it is true and will not deny it, despite all that she is going through. We've met with her every day this week and she has been reading the Book of Mormon and praying fervently. She's marking her scriptures and sharing her favorite verses with us. She says that the feeling of the spirit is so worth the sacrifices she is making. She's inspired me that the gospel should be our first priority.. always and that if we want to receive truth and strength to withstand, we must diligently read and pray. We had a lesson with Janice and Lisa was eager to come! She's not even a member yet and she bore powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon and the change that it's brought to her life. I know the adversary is working on her because she will do so much good and help build his kingdom in so many ways.. she is so special to me! She will be baptized in two weeks and really would like me to be there, but SLO is pretty far up north from here, so we will see! I'm just grateful that I had the opportunity to be a part of her process in receiving the gospel and learn from her example.

There is nothing better than seeing others come unto Christ and seeing them find the peace that they are seeking. There is so much to love and we can't afford not to have the spirit.. I'm learning so many things every day and also having a blast while serving! :)

Our Savior Lives. He loves us.

Love you all!

Sister James
Sister Training Leaders


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