July 17, 2015

Rescuing souls

Hey everyone!

So this past week was wonderful, and busy, and flew right by! I missed some important things from last week, so I'll include them in this email! Last week, we received a referral from the SLO Hermanas.. They said this guy was pretty interested and gave us the address. We found the address and it was in the middle of nowhere on this farm with a loooong driveway.. for some reason, I just felt weird and bizarre. We figured it was a half-way house of some sort.. We asked for Larry and they said he wasn't there, so we started up a conversation with Doug. Doug is seeking peace and change in his life and was super sincere.. we talked about the restoration and The Book of Mormon and emphasized that it all points back to Christ. He stopped us mid conversation and says, "My friend Blake LOVES Jesus! I'm going to go get him." Blake came out and started crying and praising and singing hallelujah! I couldn't contain myself haha. They really, REALLY wanted to come to church the next day. So they came this week and last week! Every one's welcome, right?! Well, the Elders are now teaching them because Blake asked Sister Harrison out on a date... yep. Then yesterday, He got up in the middle of sacrament meeting and came back in with a flower for her. It was the best haha. You never know what you're going to get.. people are nuts, but they're still children of God.

Unfortunately, Bart won't be making his baptismal date of July 11th due to his work, but he's still doing really well!! He's so humble and willing. Please keep him in your prayers! We're doing a lot of less-active and member work. (Miracle: one of our less-actives, Waldo came to church this week and loved it!)  We're focusing on having 100% accountability.. and visiting every member and reminding them of the covenant they made to share the gospel and invite others to come unto Christ. Charity truly is the essence of this work.. It's about loving all. Companions, active members.. Every one! There is a purpose behind every person that the Lord places in our path and we can learn something from them.

Sister Brown came on exchanges with me in SLO this past week.. it was the best!! It was like we had never been apart and we just picked up right where we left off! We saw a lot of miracles and had so many great gospel conversations.. It's amazing how everything that I'm studying aligns perfectly with the work right now. I've been reading about the greatest missionaries in the Book of Mormon (Alma, Ammon, Amulek, etc.) And how they taught with power and authority, asked inspired questions, and followed the spirit. So many individuals we met this past week we're unsure of their belief of the nature of God, they're purpose, and why we're here. I had the opportunity to take what I learned from the way these missionaries taught and apply them to how I teach. I love the scriptures.. they're a gift from God.

I've been reflecting on all I learned at our mission conference with Elder Grow and wanted to share a couple of things!

1. This is the work of rescuing souls and how personal reactivation is.. I know that there are so many prayers given on behalf of those less-active members that we teach and work with. Our purpose is to remind them of those blessings and invite them to feel the spirit once again, and most importantly, to love them.

2. There is no end to my mission.. I never wanted to be the missionary who was devastated to go home because he has a plan and I will serve him for eternity. Whether it is as a full-time missionary or a member-missionary, he has work for me to do!

We had the opportunity to read one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon last night with a less-active family. This chapter helps me reflect on my progress in my ultimate goal of returning to my Heavenly Father and receiving the gift of eternal life! I invite you all to read it with a sincere desire to be taught by the spirit. The chapter is Alma 5. Here are some of the promised blessings that were so powerful to me..

vs. 33 "He sendeth an invitation unto ALL men, for the arms of mercy are extended towards them, he saith: repent and I will receive you."

 vs. 38 "The good shepherd doth call you; ye in his own name doth call you, which is the name of Christ."

vs.48 "It is HE that cometh to take away the sins of the world, yea, the sins of every man who steadfastly believeth oh his name."

Our Savior lives.. He loves perfectly and like Alma teaches, His arms of mercy are extended to every single one of God's children. This gospel is true and God is good!! :) I love you all!

Love, Sister James


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