May 15, 2015

The work is real!

Hey everyone,

Good week here in Ojai! We've had so many teaching opportunities since it's been so hot… people are kinder and more receptive. Our area is progressing really well! This past week we met with the Dixon family. They are a part member family that we met as we've been going straight through the ward list. Tonya and Michael (the son who is 14 years old) are members and Roman, Tonya's husband is not. Even though Michael was baptized, we would consider him an investigator because he has very little knowledge about the gospel and Christianity in general.. He thought Matthew, Mark, and Luke were the three wise men, so we're trying to make our lessons very simple. Tonya had a miracle occur in her life recently that rekindled their faith and has really softened her heart to allowing us to teach them. She was in a coma for 3-4 months and wasn't supposed to live.. this really changed Roman's perspective and has helped their family realize that the Lord has a plan for them.. We're meeting with them tonight and are planning on having a lesson simply centered on Jesus Christ: his life, his mission, and his atonement.

Dee came to church again! We haven't been able to meet with her this past week, because she has been so busy and stressed with finding a job, but she is planning on coming to an FHE tonight at a member’s home. We're also working with a lot of NEW investigators and praying fervently and following the spirit as to where we need to spend our time. We have some investigators who really are not progressing and who have been taught for a while.. so we may need to drop them

My love for this work is growing deeper and deeper every day.. I get so excited to go out, to teach, and to testify. I definitely feel myself accelerating and the Lord is really helping me know how I can serve with all of my heart, might, mind and strength and overcome those things that beset me. I finished The Book of Mormon this week and have been inspired by a member in our ward to take a brand new Book of Mormon and start from the beginning with a specific topic in mind. I've been marking "Promised blessings from the Lord" I've received so many new insights already and have been taught so many things by the spirit! It's amazing how you can read the same vs. over and over and receive new light and understanding... I prepared a talk this past week on what helped me decide to serve a mission and what I've learned (how do you fit that into an 8 min talk haha.. well I managed). It was amazing to reflect on who I've become and the experiences I've had.. I am so grateful for all that the Lord has taught me and is still teaching me. Knowing that we have an eternity to assist him in his work and serve the Lord brings me so much peace. I love the gospel… this work is real. Thank you for all your prayers!

Sister James

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