May 15, 2015

Just when I think how can it get gets better!


Just when I think "life is so good. How can it get better?" gets better. This past week was amazing! I'm so happy to be staying in OJAI with Sister Scoresby :) The work is on fire and we're seeing so many amazing miracles. I know that the Lord is hastening his work here and softening hearts!

Our investigators are doing so well. Shirley is the sweetest and has such a special spirit, and I'm learning a lot of sign language which is fun! Good news, we should be finding out within the next 3 weeks about Dane receiving the priesthood and if he is unable to baptize her then we're going to go forward with the baptism any way because she is so ready and we don't want to delay it any longer. I love them, they are so great.

Our ward put on a talent show and waffle dinner, which was a blast! Four of our investigators were there: M.A, Shirley, Marge, and Janice. They all loved it and were able to interact with the members. Janice is progressing really well… she loves what she is experiencing and learning. Although Marge has made it clear that she will always be a Quaker and isn't interested in joining the church.. (yet haha :) she has been reading a chapter of the Book of Mormon every day! We're trying to help her recognize the spirit that she is feeling and what is drawing her to meeting with us and reading

We've been so busy with service.. so many opportunities! I love it! Cool miracle- we went to help work on repairing a home with some ward members. The lady we were helping was named Louise. We realized that she was an investigator the missionaries have been trying to find, but her address was written down wrong. She's been reading the Book of Mormon EVERY DAY and loves what the missionaries had shared with her…So neat how Heavenly Father does his work.

We are really looking forward to this week.. We found more new investigators this week. There are so many people here SEEKING. We met two new investigators: Ellie and Josh. Ellie is a referral from a member and expressed to us that she feels like something is missing in her life.. We had a quick lesson with her, but the spirit was incredibly strong and she told us that she felt "loved." Nothing is more important than helping people feel the love of God through our words and testimonies. Josh was also a miracle! We were talking to a man outside of his house and Josh walked by... he kept eying us and looked really concerned. As soon as we walked away from the man's home, Josh approached us (which doesn't usually happen) and told us right away, "I want to change my life... can you help me?" We said, "Of course!" We're so excited to meet with them this week.

 Yesterday was the BEST. The whole mission gathered at the Ventura Stake Center. David Archuleta was in LA, so he contacted President Felix to see if he could come and speak/perform for us. Brooke White lives in the mission boundaries, so she also performed and shared her testimony. The meeting was so powerful! Man, they are talented! My favorite was "Come, come ye saints." I couldn't help but feel the spirit. David shared some of his mission experiences and focused on some of his favorite scriptures. He mentioned the importance of following promptings and listening to the still small voice - we don't always see the end results of the fruits of our labors as missionaries, but we can trust in that promise from the lord, "That by small and simple things are great things brought to pass."

He also talked a lot about grace... we are given weakness to learn how to rely on the savior, to learn how to trust in his grace. The lord has promised good to us and we are enough. I'm grateful for the precious gift of the Holy Ghost and for spiritual experiences that are so dear to my heart... Recently, I've been writing down the promptings I receive and recording more of my spiritual impressions and I'm realizing just how involved my heavenly father is in my life... He's in the details, we just need to slow down and recognize it! We are everything to him. Choose to serve him today!

Sister James

Sister J and Sister S


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