May 15, 2015

Nothing better!


I can't believe that it's already Monday. This week flew! I feel like I wake up and then before I know it, It's time to plan and go to bed. Time is so precious. Well, amazing things are happening in Ojai! We are seeing miracles every day.. As I mentioned in my last email, we have been working with a lot of less-actives. All three that we visited this past week came out to church and one of them even bore his testimony during fast and testimony meeting. It was amazing. Nothing better :)

As I mentioned last week, we invited Janice to take the lessons. She politely declined when we did and we felt impressed not to push. Well, this past week when we went to do service for her, she told us " sisters! Your invitation has been on my mind all week and I have changed my mind. I don't know why I said no in the first place... I love to learn and I want to learn about the church." We had a lesson set up with her neighbor who we are also teaching (Marjorie). Marjorie is the sweetest little thing... she is a Quaker. She's the greatest lady! She referred us to her friend who we have started doing service for, she's reading the book of Mormon and she loves the spirit that we bring. We had a wonderful lesson with the both of them and brought one of our youth out with us. Janice had several questions about the plan of salvation and the temple.. she was soaking it up. After the lesson she said, "This feels good.. this feels right." It's amazing to see how she has been prepared and service has softened her and the spirit other missionaries have brought has helped her reach this point where she's ready to investigate!

Another miracle was finding three new investigators! One of them is Shelby. She is sixteen years old and her mother is a former investigator. All of her dad's side of the family are members of the church, so she is pretty familiar. We met her looking for her mom, but as we began to talk to her, she showed a lot of interest. She reminds me of Joseph Smith... she is truly seeking and is experiencing a lot of confusion in her life. She wants purpose. She desires to have a functional family because she hasn't had that herself.. As we taught her the restoration, we could literally see the spirit working in her and she actually got a little emotional. Beth, our other new investigator is in her 90's. She's from Louisiana and said in her cute accent, "My, I just want to adopt you gals!" :) She is so sweet. Her daughter and grandchildren are actually members in Utah. She was raised Baptist, but has read the Book of Mormon and considers it truth. She doesn't quite understand priesthood authority and why that is necessary for baptism, but she wants to continue with the lessons.

It's amazing how quickly you can grow to love someone... I love these people that Heavenly Father has placed in our path! I love sharing the gospel...and I know that miracles haven't ceased. I promise that the greatest happiness comes from living

the gospel, doing our best to keep the commandments and serving our brother's and sisters. Every soul is great in the sight of God!


Sister James
Lake Casitas

Lunch at lake Casitas


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