March 24, 2014

Another week in paradise!

Hi guyyyys!!                                                                                                                          

It was another great week in paradise! I'm loving this weather, but the work is even better! I love being a missionary. We had Zone conference this week. I came away motivated to use the Book of Mormon more effectively when teaching and motivated to be a better missionary in general. As we focused a lot on how central the book of Mormon is to this work and that it truly is the key in conversion. President Castro talked a lot about how anything worthwhile requires hard work and sacrifice. I've been reflecting on the importance of not getting discouraged.. but continuing to work hard and forget myself! As I'm applying that, I'm finding so much joy. This work is impossible to do in selfishness!

We had been trying to call Robert throughout the week, but he wasn't responding, so we went over on Friday. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the time to commit fully right now :( buuut he said we could try him back in a month because he still has interest in joining the church. We will continue to pray for him and recognize his needs and address any concerns he may have. We were able to give him some information about general conference and he said he would definitely be interested in watching it!

We met with Tony twice this week and he is doing AWESOME. We met with him on Thursday and taught him some of the plan of salvation and followed up on a baptismal map we made with him. He's really striving to quit smoking and we set some goals for him to smoke 5 cigarettes, rather than 10. Yesterday, when we met with him, he said he was down to 6 and he's really, really striving to quit! This week we will be talking more about the word of wisdom and we will commit him to quit in preparation for his baptism. He expressed to us his desire to be baptized and that he thinks about it every day.  He has such great faith and a good heart. He came to church yesterday and loved it! We are so excited for him. He told us how much better he has felt since meeting with us and attending church. We have all our visits with him at the church and yesterday when we went to meet him he was already there  enjoying a potluck with some single adults hahah. He's so great.

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." Sometimes we may feel were insignificant or that we can't make a difference, but you do. I promise! Everyone, go share the gospel with your friends. Even if they reject it, lay a foundation and invite. I LOVE YOU ALL

OH we met a guy named JAMES MASON This week haha pretty funny

March 18, 2014

A week of Miracles

Hey guys!

 It has been quite the week! Definitely a week of miracles. We weren't able to meet with Ray and Robert this week, but.. we met Tony on Thursday walking down the street. Tony met with missionaries a few years back when he lived in Arizona. He expressed to us that he loved what they taught him and that he still reads from the Book of Mormon! We invited him to church and talked to him briefly. He came to church on Sunday... AHHH and told us he felt very comfortable there and felt the spirit. We met with him after church so we could get to know him a little more and teach the restoration. He's been through a lot.. been in and out of prison, drug addictions, but he's been sober for a few years. Now he's really striving to give up smoking.. Sister Mason and I were able to bear testimony that he can do it with the Lord. We invited him to be baptized on April 26th and after hesitation, he accepted.. He's awesome, but we are trying to figure out if he's allll there. Sometimes he says some things that are kind of crazy, but we love him haha. I've been thinking a lot about the atonement this week.. anyone can come back. It is never too late. Through the savior's infinite atonement, we are healed... He truly wants us to come unto him and be made better through him. The savior loves us more than we can ever comprehend!

 Another miracle occurred when we went to visit a former Investigator, Linda. She told us through her window that she was busy and as we were walking away, she said, "Wait.. I need a prayer. I need you to come pray with me." She had surgery on her knee and was in a lot of pain. She told us she had been praying all morning and after we had prayed with her.. she told us that she knew the lord had sent us to her and her prayers were answered. The spirit was so strong. We weren't going to go to her home at that time, but Sister Mason Suggested that we should. God's timing is incredible. I'm seeing his hand in my life more than ever and if we follow the spirit we will be where he needs us in the exact right time.

 We had ward conference this week. Our stake President emphasized member missionary work and it made me super excited! I'm hoping that this will influence ward members even more to be involved in bringing others to the gospel. I love this work. I know it's the Lord's work and I'm learning something new each day. As I have been studying about covenants I have made each day, as a result from our zone goals, I'm developing a desire to help others make promises with the Lord as well. I want them to have the joy that I feel each day from making covenants with the Lord. Each week gets better and better! I feel so privileged to be a representative of Jesus Christ and testify each day. It's tough work, but it's so important to find the joy in it. With a lot of tracting, comes a lot of entertainment... Some people are CRAZY. If anyone knows me.. they know I'm sensitive and get my feelings hurt way too easy.. yeah, not any more haha. The funniest one this week was when this lady came running to the door because she thought we were girl scouts and when she saw that we were missionaries… the look on her face was priceless haha. Anyway, I love it here! I love missionary work and I love all of you!!

 Sista James

March 11, 2014

Another great week in Ventura!

Hi every one!

This week was incredible!! I am developing such a passion and love for this work. I love it more and more each day. I love the people.. They're all so great. I feel the prayers of all of you! Especially this week with Grandpa's passing. I haven't felt sorrow for one second, only peace. Being here has given me such an eternal perspective. I don't feel afraid or sad because I know with all of my heart, that we will once be together again. I feel the savior by me more than ever and it was interesting because in my studies before president called, I read D&C 42:46 "and it shall come to pass that those that die in me shall not taste of death, for it shall be sweet unto them."  Grandpa did indeed die in him.. because he spent his whole life devoting eve thing to the lord. He will always be my hero and my best friend. How comforting to know that this life isn't the end.. We have so much to look forward to. I know he wouldn't want me doing an thing else at this time because he and grandma embraced missionary work. I've looked to his example countless times in my life, but especially during the short time I've been a missionary.. I've been thinking a lot about family this week, and I had a greater desire and drive to work and to bring this sweet knowledge and peace to others.

This week we were able to teach Robert! The other sister's met him tracting. He's in his 70's and probably one of the sweetest people I've ever met. On Saturday we met with him and he asked, "Okay, what do I have to do to become a member of this church. What do I have to give up?" We talked about the Word of Wisdom and his expression when we said "no coffee" was priceless! He said, "I can still have root beer right? I love that stuff." haha webore testimony that it will bless his life.. the spirit was so strong. We invited him to pray at the end of the lesson and he prayed that he would be able to give up his coffee. He also told us that what he was doing felt right.. and that it just makes sense. He really has such great faith and humility because he's so willing to change. He even attended church with us on Sunday even though he was really worried about feeling/looking out of place .He is progressing so well and truly has that desire to learn and to become a member of the church. He told us that he has only received kindness from church members and that's what drew him to take interest in it.

Danni is still doing so great! Since she has been taught all of the lessons, we have been reading through the Book of Mormon with her, so she can better understand it and how it applies to her life.

 I have seen the Lord's hand countless time throughout my life, but especially this week. If we put all of our faith in him, obey with exactness, and work hard.. He WILL bless us. He will bless us with opportunities to learn, to grow, and to meet those that need the gospel. He will make up for our weaknesses if we strive to give all that we are to him. I truly love this work and I love each of YOU!

March 4, 2014

I'm in California!

Hey guys!!

Where do I even begin?! I'm serving right here and Ventura and I absolutely love it! It's beautiful here! It poured this week, but it was actually pretty fun and people let us in because it was raining sooo that was good :) My trainer, Sister Mason is AMAZING. Seriously, she's great and we work so well together. She's from mesa, AZ. She's here to work and I love it because she doesn't let a minute pass us up. I thought I was bold/confident/outgoing until I got here, but man it takes guts to share the gospel. I'm learning and growing so much though and although we are working hard, it's important to find joy in the work and laugh at the funny/awkward experiences. The area was white washed, so I'm learning how to actually read a map because sister Mason and I have no idea where we're going sometimes haha, but we're making it work!! Oh guess who my district leader is? The one and only Austin Mckinley. Pretty funny. Luckily, the sisters before us were able to set up appointments! We were able to teach our investigators Austin, Bruce, Ray, And Danni. Bruce has been meeting with missionaries for a few years now, but seems pretty content with where he is. He's in his 80's or so and tells us crazy stories. Yeah, he's insane haha. He told us he would attend church on Sunday and we called to remind him, but he wasn't able to make it!  Danni is doing AWESOME. We committed her to a baptismal date for May 3rd. She has been taught all of the lessons, but wants her mother to be at her baptism. We talked about temples, particularly, baptisms for the dead. We committed her to attend the temple after she is baptized and make that a goal for her future. She seems very excited :) Ray has a baptismal date for March 22nd. He is very, very receptive and desires to learn and to grow. Sister Mason and I have a goal to make sure he is ready and that this is what he wants because there are still a few things we need to teach him. There are a lot of less actives in our area so we have been visiting with them, but a lot of them aren't too fond of us! We visit them any way :) So We don't have a lot of time to email and I really want to respond to each of you, but I am out of time! I would love it if you could send me your home addresses so that I can write hand written letters. Ah I'm sorry I can't respond to them! I'll also send photos sooon, but I am out of time. I'm glad to hear that every one is doing well! I'm especially grateful for the plan of the salvation at this time with grandpa and his situation. Even though I want to be with him at this time, I know that I need to be here letting other people know that they can live with their families for forever through the gospel. This gospel brings me so much joy and peace and I feel so privileged to have to opportunity to share it here in Ventura. The lord is aware of each of us and he loves us more than we will ever be able to comprehend. Don't forget that! I love you all


Sister James