October 6, 2014

Camarillo and Conference!


As always, it's been a wonderful week! :) We had interviews which were so great (Mom, did I ever tell you that sister Felix is your twin? She sounds exactly like you and it freaks me out... but at the same time, it's a blessing) Haha any way, we had the opportunity to watch "Meet the Mormons!" It's so good. Every one, go see it and invite your friends! It's a perfect tool to use for missionary work.  The members here are so AWESOME. Sister Brown and I have been thinking about ways we can get member-missionary work rolling here because the members really are so great and have that desire. We have been setting up appointments with them (Starting with ward council) to teach them and extend an invitation to invite a friend to see "Meet the Mormons." We're hoping and praying that this will open up a lot of opportunities! We met with the Gomez family this week and Sister Gomez truly is softening her heart! We helped them prepare for conference and talked about how we can make it a revelatory experience. Brother Gomez bore a powerful testimony on how he wants his girls to be involved in the church and wants this for his family. The spirit was so strong and I know Sister Gomez felt that. She has taken the lessons before... but, felt very pushed and pressured, so we hope that we can help her feel loved, rather than pushed. We're meeting with them again on Saturday and we are going to invite her to take the lessons!

Enrique is doing well! We invited him to be baptized on a specific date, but he expressed to us that he didn't feel quite ready. We went over the interview questions and found out that he struggles with coffee and that he's had a hard time giving it up. We testified of the blessings that will come with living this commandment and he committed to quit completely!! He's receiving a blessing this week from our ward mission leader and he came to conference yesterday and really enjoyed it. Judy also came to conference... she took notes and everything! It was such a blessing and they both had a great experience.

General conference was INCREDIBLE and I learned so much. I didn't have a specific talk that touched me more than others, but each of them had something that really touched me! I learned three things especially..

1. How important it is to nourish our testimony of the restored gospel and the atonement of Jesus Christ... center our lives on Christ, use the atonement and repent daily. I especially realized that I need to be repenting daily and using the atonement as a missionary. And as Elder Ballard said, "Study, live, and love the doctrine of Christ." Once we have that firm testimony, we then can help others along the path. We also must pattern our lives after our savior.. Christ-like love will change the world!

2. We have the ability to have confirming, personal revelation. We can receive TRUTH and light... we can receive truth if we ask in sincerity and act. The lord will always answer if we are seeking.

3. This is the restored church of Jesus Christ. We have a living prophet.. Thomas S. Monson. We must sustain him and our leaders.. The church will never be led astray! There is so much power and comfort in that.


I look forward to applying what I learned this weekend to the work and improving myself as a representative of Jesus Christ.  This is the Lord's church and this is his work. God loves us.. no matter where we are on the path...no matter the depth of our testimony, but he has provided us with the guidance and the tools to strengthen our personal testimonies. We can always become more converted and he will help us as we turn to him, I'm so grateful for this gospel... I love my savior. HE LIVES.


I love you alll!! Thanks for the prayers!!

 Sister James



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