August 23, 2014

July 21, 2014

Family and friends!!

We've had another wonderful week in SB! We've been keeping very busy with a lot of appointments and the work is really moving forward in this area. We have been meeting with our new investigators and kind of weeding them out or seeing who really has that desire to learn and to know if our message is true.

SO, Jimbo came to our Book of Mormon class on Tuesday night and we were all able to talk to him about where his desires lay and basically what keeps drawing him to come back! He promised that he would stop looking up "mormon" on the internet and go to the source.. and We met with him on Wednesday and he told us that he had been reflecting on the question Sister Brown, Sister Casper, Sister Ashworth and I had asked him the previous night. He said, "I keep coming back because I feel loved here.. you care about me and I feel that the Lord loves me." We then had an awesome lesson on the spirit and recognizing the spirit.. we also taught the Plan of Salvation (we meet with him 2-3 times a week). We are slowly seeing that change in him and his heart is definitely softening.. he even prayed with us! Which he has been avoiding. We really do love him and care for him and we were happy to know that he feels that and that through that sincere love and charity.. he's being drawn to the gospel!

5 of our investigators came to church, which was such a blessing! The topic was perfect.. Brother Nelson gave a talk on the importance of prayer and that when we ask Heavenly Father with faith.. direct questions, we receive direct answers. Each of these individuals are praying to know if the Book of Mormon is true.. to know if Joseph Smith is a prophet and praying about baptism, so it was definitely inspired. One of our new investigators David is doing AWESOME! We taught him

the Plan of Salvation this week and he has been reading the Book of Mormon. He's very genuine and sincere and truly seeking for the truth.. he's been to several churches, but always felt like something was missing in each of them. He really enjoyed church and is progressing well! Another new investigator, Jim came to church and he was just soaking it all up. He loved it!!

We haven't been able to get a hold of Jamie and Charlie, but we hope to this week! We have a great week ahead of us!! I came across a quote in Preach my gospel in my studies this week that I really like. I'm not sure if I have already shared it before.. President David O. Mckay says, "True Christianity is love in action. There is no better way to manifest love for God than to show an unselfish love for your fellow men. THIS is the spirit of missionary work." I KNOW that hearts are changed when we develop that sincere love for others and see them as Heavenly Father would. It's about developing that love for them. I do love these people.. they are so special to me! I know that this is Christ's church and it has been restored. Keep praying for the opportunity to share your testimony and your light with others.. When we pray directly, we receive direct answers. He listens.. he loves us all!

Funny story: Sister Ashworth and I walked up to this guy and after talking for a bit.. we realized that he wasn't all there. He told us he composed the music in Braveheart and all these crazy things that obviously weren't true haha He then told us he got released from jail two weeks ago. We were trying to head out because he started making some weeeeird comments. THEN he leaned in and tried to kiss me!!! I dodged, but then he grabbed sis. Ashworth's hand and kissed it and then we started running and he CHASED us! He finally gave up. Haha don't worry mom, we were safe. You never know what you're gonna get in Santa Barbara..Have a good week every one :)

Sister James

July 21, 2014

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