December 29, 2014

Precious time

Family and friends!

 Where to begin? It's been a great week and a lot of good things are happening! I wish I could write every thing!! THIS is the greatest work. This week was also super fun.. Sister Brown made me a cake for my birthday.. I'll attach pictures. She's the greatest! The ward members also made it a very special day for me.. they're the best. I even got some of sister Barlow's homemade bread and Jam.. SCORE :)

 This week I had the opportunity to go on exchange, which was a huge blessing. I went to VENTURA with Sister Kemp.. I was so excited :) It was pretty sentimental for me.. here I am half-way through my mission and had a day to serve in my first area. A lot of memories and a lot of lessons learned! It's amazing how much I have grown since then and the changes I have seen in myself as a missionary and a person. I still have so many things to learn and I'm grateful for this precious time I have to serve the Lord.  My exchange goal was to Listen.. ask people what matters to them and THEN relate it to the restoration of the gospel. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.. when I make it personal to others and really get to know others, my words come to me by the spirit and it's easier to teach. It's been amazing to see the difference in my teaching.. it's more genuine and the spirit seems to work within others more. We were challenged to invite some one to baptism every day and we've seen miracles from that! I know that if I have the faith, and tell the Lord I'll go and do it, he'll provide a way.

 It was fun because Sister Felix came out to a lesson with us.. how lucky are we?! She's so sweet.

 Enrique: he is doing INCREDIBLE. He couldn't stop expressing the happiness he has felt and the difference of having the gift of the holy ghost has made in this short time. He told us that he has his picture of Christ and the temple in his bedroom and his goal is the temple! Such a blessing. He's also been on fire with missionary work!! His mom has seen the happiness he feels and wants it for herself, so she will be meeting with the hermana's tomorrow! :) Enrique has such a light and his desire to share it with every one, especially his family amazes me. We invited isabelle! (his 10 yr old daughter) to church and she said she would come this week, so we're crossing our fingers!

Gomez family : Sister Gomez expressed more of her concerns.. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the desire to know for herself at this time. She expressed to us that she feels like she is betraying God because he's already given her so much and she already has faith in him.. we explained that this will only enhance what she has, not tear it down.

 she doesn't have the desire to change or make that commitment right now. We were over there for awhile and she even admitted to being stubborn and hard

 headed haha.. Brother Gomez wants her to know for herself and testifies to her with such love! Sister Brown and I think it might be good to give them a break this week. It can be frustrating when you feel like you're doing all you can, but they don't have the desire. It will come with time and she will make the commitment when she's ready. All we can do is keep the faith!

 We really want to focus on the girls and helping them progress as well.. We think this will soften her heart!

 This week I've been thinking a lot about how there are SO many different interpretations.. so many different ideas and opinions and perspectives. My faith and testimony has been so refined with the questions we are asked. I know that taking my own questions and questions others have to the Lord in prayer is greatest source of truth. He is ALL knowing.. and he will answer.

 I've especially seen this past week the miracles that come when I place my confidence in Christ, rather than in myself.. I'm grateful for the opportunities that I have each day to strengthen my faith in Jesus Christ.. to testify of him and to Invite others to come unto him. I know that it starts with belief.. which then turns into faith and eventually we can have a surety. I have a surety that this is the Lord's work and that he is with me and I am so grateful!

I love you all! Thank you for the birthday love! :)
Sister James

Happy Birthday sister James!

Birthday Love!




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