June 17, 2014

The power of prayer is REAL


 We had a great week full of miracles and tender mercies! Sister Xayadeth and I have been praying fervently as to how we can continue to hasten the work in this area. We both agreed that we would find more success if we used our car less and walked more. We live out of our area, so we've been driving and then walking the rest of the day. We had the opportunity to talk to so many people and we were much more effective. I know that seeds were planted and we also had met a few new investigators and set up a lot of return appointments, so I'm excited for this week!!  This transfer has FLOWN. (is that a word?) I'm so stupid haha any way, it's gone by reaaally fast and I really want to stay with Sis X. Every one says we talk the same and we have the same mannerisms.. it's kind of freaky.

 We are still setting goals as to how we can help our ward become more excited about missionary work. We've been getting to know them more each week and focusing on gaining their trust. 85% of the members in our area are less-active, so we've been doing A LOT of less active work. We met with Lisa this week and did some service for her!  Ah, she is so precious. I love her. She is disabled, but truly one of the most Christ-like people I have ever met. We've been talking to her a lot about how the Lord knows her strength and knows that she can handle the trials she is facing. She has such a strong spirit and I feel it every time we visit with her.. she came to church yesterday, which was a huge blessing! She calls us every day to make sure we are okay haha. She asks us to share scriptures and messages over the phone if we don't have time to go over that day.

 MIRACLE: We invited Natalie to our relief society dinner activity pretty last minute, but she came! It was such a blessing because she has been having the same concern about our church being different from other protestant churches. She has some great fellowship and she had a conversation with Sister Lind. Sister Lind had the same exact concerns as Natalie just a few years ago before she joined the church.  She told Natalie that the Lord knew her family was ready to receive the fullness of the gospel and that is why he placed her on this path at this particular time. She bore powerful testimony on how this will only enhance her faith and relationship with Christ, not tear it down. Natalie is pretty serious, but she got very emotional and when we spoke with her at church yesterday, she had a different glow about her.. she was friendly and we set up a return appt.!!

 Again, there are so many crazy people here.. hahaha. If I could just record some moments and send them home.. I've never seen weirder things.

 The power of prayer is REAL. As we turn to the Lord, and then act, we witness miracles. I know there are some of God's choice children in this area, who are ready to receive the gospel and are prepared. I know that once we lose ourselves in the service of God, we develop a better understanding of HIS love. I love this work!!


Sister James
The ensign was sooo good this month.. every one, go read it!

" Don't worry about your clumisly expressed feelings.  Just talk to your father. He hears EVERY prayer and answers it in his way. For us to grow, we need to trust our ability to make correct decisions. We need to do what we feel is right. In time, he will answer. He will not fail us."
- Richard G. Scott

June 16, 2014

Sister X and Sister James representing SB!


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