June 29, 2014

Good times in Santa Barbara!


 Well, I'm staying in SB!! Sister X. is leaving :( She will be white-wash training and will do great, but I have loved serving with her!! It was too short, but we saw so many miracles this transfer. This week was so great.. We had a mission conference since President and Sister Castro will be finishing their service this week. It was bitter-sweet and they expressed that they are happy to be done, because they have fulfilled their calling .. and more. They have truly done so much for this mission and are the perfect examples of putting the Lord first. President focused on the authority of our calling as full time missionaries and how we gain Heavenly Father's trust. Heavenly father has already showed his love.. we never have to worry about his love for us, because the greatest manifestation of his love was by sending his son. Being a powerful missionary comes in the choices we make and it's important to gain the lord's trust. He explained that change and transition is healthy! and said something that really stuck with me.. "Every day is a symbol of the atonement." We can always be better with each coming day.. the atonement sustains us and it's power is real!

 We met with Ben and Natalie! Oh my goodness.. it was amazing. The spirit was filling our mouths and they felt it.. we felt it. Natalie has had such a change of heart. We taught obedience, prayer, and scripture study and focused on the importance of how these things will help them overcome their concerns.. we really focused on how the gospel will bless their marriage and Elizabeth (Their baby) We invited them to be baptized and they said they have the desire.. they want to be and they know it's all true. We have not committed them to a date because Ben is a little worried about his Turkish background... being from the middle east and his Muslim background, there are some risks involved, especially with his family back in turkey. They are going to be praying and fasting about it.. but the lesson was extremely powerful and It definitely wasn't us. It was all the spirit! It's sooo important to be worthy vessels and have that spirit with us because I we cannot teach without it.

 Well, I'm running out of time, but I love you all!! I know that this gospel is true and that this work is real. It's not about me, but I'm starting to see the change in myself.. I know that we can always become more converted and we can learn something new each day. I've been called to teach the gospel, but I am taught every day and I've never felt such greater joy! Thank you for your prayers and support and s!!! :) I love you all!!!

Sister James and Lisa
Saying goodbye to Pres and Sis Castro

Beautiful Sister Missionaries!

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