September 22, 2014

Leaving Santa Barbara!

Family and Friends!

 Well, I'm going to CAMARILLO!!! :) (Member missionary work territory!) I'm super excited!! I'm going to be serving in the 5th ward with Sister Brown. Sister Brown  and I served together in Santa Barbara ward my first 2 transfers here and I know that we'll work super well together! It's bitter-sweet because I have fallen in love with Santa Barbara and the people here, but I can't wait to take all that I've learned here and serve in a new area. I know without a doubt that I was called here for a reason.. It's where I've grown and learned the most. It's broken me out of my shell and refined my testimony of this work and the gospel. Man, I'll miss it, but I'm really looking forward to a new experience!

 These past couple weeks have been super busy and so GREAT! We've been going from appointment to appointment and had a lot of service opportunities. I don't have a lot of time, but good news.. Ben and Natalie are getting baptized on Oct. 17th! :) I'm so happy for them and the progression that they're making.

We had a zone conference with Elder Malm (of the 70) this weekend! It was amazing.. I received a lot of much needed personal revelation. He focused on how THIS is the time of that the Lord truly is hastening his work and that we were saved for this time to assist him. He talked about how every one that we come in contact with has already said yes to the Lord's plan and we need to see them as yes-sayers and see their divine potential. He also said this, "There are NO limits as his servants, regardless of other's agency." I'm learning that I shouldn't be as hard on myself and that at the end of the day.. if I've done my very best, I can be proud of my work and that It's about losing myself in the joy if it. This is the most glorious, joyful work and I love it with all my heart! Thank you for all your support and love :)

Sister James

Awkward hugger

Going to miss Santa Barbara!


September 8, 2014

Training and Teaching

It's been an amazing week! We had zone conference.. that was SO great! I adore President and sister Felix.. they truly are called of God to do all they do. President Felix focused on establishing Zion in our hearts and becoming of one mind, and one purpose. They introduced our new Christ-like attribute, which is CHARITY. The whole conference was centered on how Christ-like service and forgetting ourselves in blessing others, is the key in missionary work. We're really excited to begin the justserve program and do 10 hrs. a week! We'll be helping out with projects in the community.. This will change the work completely. We also watched a talk given by President Ucthdorf about fearing no man.. so good. I know that in the Lord we can find all strength and he can carry our worries and any fears that we may have. His atonement enables us to do things we don't think we're capable of! "Doubt not, fear not" (D&C 6:36). We had a neat experience the day after Zone Conference! We were tracting in the morning and we came across a woman named Therese. She told us that she wasn't interested at all, wouldn't even let us give her a card or anything, but she offered us water! We allowed her to serve us and we got talking a little bit. We explained to her that we're really looking for service and she goes, "I prayed this morning that I would find someone to help me with all the things I have going on!" And any time we offer service.. the majority of the time, people say they don't want help. So cool! We went to her house on Friday and helped her organize and do some other things. She has a personal assistant and everything. They were both super respectful and genuine and we're hoping that through this, her heart may be softened to the church. We'll be doing 4 hrs. of service for her a week! We met with Paul again! Man, he's DEEP haha. He's been reading and praying and says that if any thing contradicts with the bible than it's not true and that a "burning in the bosom" isn't enough to receive his answer. We've been focusing on helping him recognize his answer and recognize the spirit. He also wants to receive his answer before he comes to church. We explained that he can receive personal revelation and his answer at church! Also.. we found out he's in the elders area :( Bummer! But I'm sure they'll be great for him. We met with Ben & Natalie and had a lesson on Charity and service! It went well :) Well, I'm out of time, but I'm so grateful for this work! I know that through love and giving of ourselves to others, we can find the most joy. We can be his hands on the earth. I love being a missionary :) Love you all.

Sister Ashworth knows I love cats!