May 23, 2014

This IS the Lord's work!


 I have to give a shout out to my mother!! I no doubt, have the most amazing mom in the world! I LOVE YOU MAMABON :) Talking to you guys was the best!!

 Danni was baptized this week!! The baptism was wonderful and the spirit was incredibly strong. Everything seemed to be emphasized on how baptism is just the beginning.. it prepares us to make further covenants with our heavenly Father. I felt so much Joy seeing Danni make this important decision that will change her life for eternity. Those who spoke also emphasized the importance of doing the work for her family and participating in baptisms for the dead. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to be of service to our family who have passed on.. it binds us to them and to our father in heaven!!

Robert came to the baptism and loved it!! He loved the spirit that he felt and it was great because he had the chance to meet some of the members of our ward.. he is kind of shy and that's part of what has been holding him back, so it was great!! We met with him this week and taught him the Plan Of Salvation. It was such a powerful lesson.. He asked a lot of questions about the spirit world and we talked a bit about temple work for our family members.. he LOVED it. He told us that if his dad were here he would accept the gospel in a heartbeat. We talked about missionary work on the other side.. we told him, "maybe it's your dad who is pushing you to accept this message and be baptized." He thought about it for a second and said, "he probably is." he expressed to us how neat it would be to do this work for his family. He has loved reading the Book of Mormon!! He's already on 1 Nephi 9.. He explained Lehi's dream perfectly.. he couldn't stop talking about how much he loves Nephi and the Book of Mormon. We Invited him to be baptized on June 14th.. At first he was hesitant, but then we talked about how keeping that goal in mind will help him. He then accepted, but told us he wants to come to church and be more involved and be 100% committed!! This lesson was especially powerful. I LOVE sharing this perfect plan of happiness with others.

Veronica has been texting us and she text us on Tuesday and said, "Sisters, I've really been seeing the benefits that come from praying!!" She's never prayed in her life, so it's been amazing to see!! We met with her on Wednesday and she talked about commitment. She brought up that her son is gay and she wants to support him, but really wants to invest herself in the gospel. We had a super powerful lesson on the importance of sincere love and how the gospel is centered on christ like love

Due to the area split, the other sisters will now be meeting with Tony.. :(  I know that they will be able to help him and their testimonies will touch him and help him continue to progress towards baptism and help him quit. This area is so blessed.. The lord's hand is heavily involved and we wouldn't be able to do these things without him. I Absolutely love being a missionary.. so, so much! THIS IS the Lord's work. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!



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