November 3, 2014

The Lord always provides

Hi everyone!

Well, this week was amazing! It wasn't what we expected, but that's how every day goes. So… all of our set appointments fell through this week.. All of them, BUT it was great :) haha because of it, we met some great potential investigators.. .had opportunities to do service and found a new investigator, who is so prepared! The Lord always compensates and he always provides if we keep the faith and find joy in what he has prepared for us. I think he knows what he's doing more than we do Ha! So after one of our appointments cancelled we were doing some finding and met Daniel. He was outside working on his house. We got talking with him and found out that he is VERY familiar with the Church. He has several friends who have served missions, he's been to church and the visitor’s center, and he's read half of the Book of Mormon... Sister Brown and I asked him what he knew about The Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, and he pretty much taught us the restoration. IT was CRAZY! He explained that his friends who served missions would write him frequently and they would send him versus and talks.. He agreed to have us come back and share more and he told us he would invite his friend who just recently returned from a mission. He's 27, so we'll be passing him off to the elders! He is so prepared.. such a tender mercy!

We weren't able to meet with Enrique or the Gomez family this week, but they both came to church! Enrique received a blessing. After the blessing he told us that he felt the spirit so strongly and expressed that he is ready to be baptized on November 1st!! He said, "That was my sign." He is so ready and has so much faith. We are very happy that he's made this decision and we will continue to pray for him as he prepares and have the faith that he will commit to this date. The Gomez fam are doing great  as well :)

We had the opportunity to do service for a member of our ward who is going to be moving in a couple of weeks. She is a GREAT missionary... always looking for every opportunity to share the gospel with others! After we helped her get ready for a yard sale, she introduced us to two of her neighbors and we gave them our information, so that if they ever need service, they can call us.

I know that this work is the work of the Lord. I'm so blessed to have this time to consecrate everything to serving him.. it's going by way tooo fast. This is the greatest work and I'm so grateful I get to be an advocate of the truth and share my testimony of this gospel each day.. I love it! I know that he is preparing his children in this area and that he knows what's best. I love you all!! Thanks for the prayers :)

 Sister James
Sister Brown cooking fail

Tis the Halloween season!



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