March 24, 2014

Another week in paradise!

Hi guyyyys!!                                                                                                                          

It was another great week in paradise! I'm loving this weather, but the work is even better! I love being a missionary. We had Zone conference this week. I came away motivated to use the Book of Mormon more effectively when teaching and motivated to be a better missionary in general. As we focused a lot on how central the book of Mormon is to this work and that it truly is the key in conversion. President Castro talked a lot about how anything worthwhile requires hard work and sacrifice. I've been reflecting on the importance of not getting discouraged.. but continuing to work hard and forget myself! As I'm applying that, I'm finding so much joy. This work is impossible to do in selfishness!

We had been trying to call Robert throughout the week, but he wasn't responding, so we went over on Friday. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the time to commit fully right now :( buuut he said we could try him back in a month because he still has interest in joining the church. We will continue to pray for him and recognize his needs and address any concerns he may have. We were able to give him some information about general conference and he said he would definitely be interested in watching it!

We met with Tony twice this week and he is doing AWESOME. We met with him on Thursday and taught him some of the plan of salvation and followed up on a baptismal map we made with him. He's really striving to quit smoking and we set some goals for him to smoke 5 cigarettes, rather than 10. Yesterday, when we met with him, he said he was down to 6 and he's really, really striving to quit! This week we will be talking more about the word of wisdom and we will commit him to quit in preparation for his baptism. He expressed to us his desire to be baptized and that he thinks about it every day.  He has such great faith and a good heart. He came to church yesterday and loved it! We are so excited for him. He told us how much better he has felt since meeting with us and attending church. We have all our visits with him at the church and yesterday when we went to meet him he was already there  enjoying a potluck with some single adults hahah. He's so great.

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." Sometimes we may feel were insignificant or that we can't make a difference, but you do. I promise! Everyone, go share the gospel with your friends. Even if they reject it, lay a foundation and invite. I LOVE YOU ALL

OH we met a guy named JAMES MASON This week haha pretty funny

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